Cambridge CSD Elementary and High School Renovations

Cambridge, New York

Cambridge CSD Elementary and High School Renovations

Cambridge, New York

In 2018, design at the high school wing included renovation of the library/media center with a 500 square foot exterior vestibule addition, relocation of the administration suite, relocation of two technology classrooms, and renovation of nurse’s office and special education office. Work at the elementary school wing included a new secure entrance, 3,900 square foot addition to the gymnasium, renovation of locker rooms, renovation of the library/media center, and relocation of the administration and guidance suite. In addition, we replaced lockers, replaced selected roofs, upgraded interior and exterior emergency lighting, replaced the interior and exterior storm water line, and reconstructed exterior pavement.

In 2013, design and construction was done to replace window systems, upgrade obsolete ventilation systems, build gymnasium storage addition, create a controlled lobby entrance at the high school, reconstruct the playground, parking lots, driveways and pathways, replace outdated bleachers to be ADA compliant, replace gymnasium floor, and address ventilation and asbestos abatement in tunnels.

Currently, a $10 million capital project is being designed to be built in the summer of 2020. Work will include resurfacing the running track, paving the access road to bleachers, reconstructing the tennis court, renovating the weight room and installing a new walkway and observation pier, replacing the roofing system, installing new boilers and a new control board for the heating and cooling system, replacing skylights, and installing a new 600-amp generator to provide emergency power.

Energy Performance Project

In a separate Energy Performance Project, Mosaic designed a building envelope upgrade that provides increased day-lighting to the elementary classrooms and library while improving the energy efficiency of each room. Work included lighting system upgrades, building air sealing, domestic hot water conservation, improvements to electrical and mechanical systems, and occupancy control sensors in every room.
